Taurus New Moon – May 4, 2019; 3:45pm PDT
Happy Beltane! This is the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice and, technically, it occurs on Sunday when the Sun reaches 15º Taurus. Beltane is a Venusian holy day and the time to celebrate our sensual selves. One of the reasons we all chose to incarnate into this 3rd dimension on Earth is because our souls crave physical sensation.

This is the time of year to embrace that yearning. Pleasure, creativity, beauty, sensuality, and the abundance of nature will draw us over the next few days. If you haven’t been touched by the crazy chaotic out-of-control energy of the last few years, then I applaud you. For the rest of us, this is a time to put down our devices, to go outside, and stand barefoot on the Earth. Let the negative ions produced by her giant electro-magnetic body flush out the impurities and recharge us. There can be rapid and significant health benefits resulting from this simple practice. After all, we have our own electro-magnetic energy field and sometimes it gets out of kilter. Being in nature brings us to a blissful reset.

The New Moon in sensuous Taurus asks us to embrace all that Beltane represents. It’s also a time for new beginnings. Is there an art project you’ve been putting off? A fantastic money-making idea that’s been gestating? A piece of ground in your backyard waiting to be sown? Now is the time to initiate the action. You don’t have to know all the steps; all the answers, just get started!

Taurus also represents our values, so this is a time to really get in touch with what is meaningful in our lives. If we can live from our heart chakra and beam out love to nature, each other, ourselves, then we raise our vibration and that of the collective. It’s definitely a cliché but thoughts are things, energy does follow attention, and what we think about does grow. We know it and have seen it happen, whether positively or not so positively. Right now, we are living in a powerful time of manifesting and when all of the pieces align it’s happening quickly. We can use this Taurus New Moon to get in touch with what we truly desire – we can create exactly the life we want, but we have to keep our heads in the right place. We do that by staying firmly rooted in nature. She has a divine intelligence that supports our well-being. Immersed in her influence our heads naturally align with the positive.

Accompanying the New Moon is the electrifying energy of Uranus. Brilliant ‘downloads’ are part and parcel of its impact. Pay attention to the ‘aha’ moments and grab them. They may not be for now, but stash them away for later. Two power house planets, Saturn and Pluto, are now both retrograde until the fall. When planets, especially slow-moving planets, stop their forward motion, we tend to turn inward in relation to the energy that the planet represents. Saturn and Pluto are both strongly anchored in power. We will all have the opportunity to consider what the ‘right’ use of power looks like. Our task will be to stay flexible when circumstances arise that point out whether we feel empowered in our lives or have given our power away.
Beth Lauderdale ~ Evolutionary Astrology