Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn – July 16, 2019; 2:38pm PDT
July is an incredibly powerful month, energetically. Starting off with an intense New Moon Solar Eclipse and now further engaging us with a Full Moon Lunar eclipse. A Full Moon always indicates a culmination of something and when combined with the added energy of an eclipse that ending may be quite meaningful. Look back to July 2009 and July 2001. What was happening in your life then? Are you dealing with a similar situation now? Was there something you didn’t release then, that you can now let go of?
Like the New Moon Solar Eclipse, this Full Moon Lunar eclipse highlights the Cancer/Capricorn axis. The sign of Cancer is associated with our foundation, home, family, and the roots that we grow; generational and karmic. It’s also closely associated with women, nurturing, security, and feeling safe. Capricorn, on the other hand, deals with external power structures – the rules and laws that govern our behavior and how we interact with each other as a society. It is also strongly connected with governments, men, and war. Mercury, now in retrograde movement, Mars, Venus, and the North Node influence the Cancer Sun side of the eclipse spectrum, while the Moon engages closely with Pluto, Saturn, and the South Node. Intense? Absolutely!
Eclipses are wild cards and often bring unexpected emotions, people, and events into our lives. In Evolutionary Astrology, Pluto shows the soul’s intention regarding incarnation into this life and the South Node shows the daily activity or events that progressed that intention forward. Since the Moon sits within a few degrees of these two highly karmic and sensitive points, we can expect that whatever comes up with this Full Moon will be of a karmic (past life reliving) nature and perhaps a lesson that our soul needs to learn. There may be a déjà vu-like quality to this time along with strange dreams that bring up past events. Pay close attention to energetic ‘pokes’ during this time because you may be asked to shift your path to better align with your soul’s intention. Since this eclipse energy closely interacts with the building Saturn/Pluto conjunction and also impacts the chart of the United States and our president, we can expect to see issues brought to light that concern the ‘right (or wrong) use of power’. Be aware of matters that may be building in your own life related to power and power struggles. Do you feel restricted or empowered?
Where does the sign of Capricorn, around 22 to 24º, fall in your chart? This area will be highly activated all year as Saturn and Pluto move into an exact conjunction in January 2020. Yes, there is definitely tension and change coming with these two powerhouses combining their energy, but this conjunction is also known in natal astrology as the ‘Magician’s Aspect’. It’s akin to alchemy and gives us the opportunity to create something out of nothing. This is perfect energy for manifesting whatever we want in life and as this energy builds, we will be asked to look closely at our lives to see what needs to be changed. Part of that change may require letting go. This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will show us what needs to be released. It’s up to us to do the work – if we choose. Use these next six months to figure out what you want the next phase of your life to look like. Make a plan and begin the manifestation process. Focus, concentrate, expand, and allow the good stuff to come in. The Universe is limitless and we all can have prosperity.
Beth Lauderdale ~ Evolutionary Astrology