Full Moon in Aquarius – August 15, 2019; 5:29am PDT
The Full Moon brings us to a culmination of energy. What was started at the New Moon, evolves into completion. This most often manifests as a completed thought, decision, or plan of action. In other words – we begin thinking about making a change in some area of life at the New Moon and actually begin to initiate the change at the Full Moon. It’s a time when we can release whatever no longer serves us and open up space for something new to come in.

This Full Moon activates the Leo/Aquarius axis. Leo is a strong leadership sign, but it’s also playful and creative and desires to share that creativity with others. Perhaps you began a creative project at the New Moon or simply made the commitment to live in a more creative way – to spend time doing what brings you joy. This is an excellent use of the energy for August. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars are all partying in a Leo stellium and stand opposite an isolated Moon in Aquarius.
Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian. Freedom, innovation, and outside the box thinking is it’s forte. Where 22º Aquarius falls in your chart is where something may be coming to a close for you. Since the Full Moon reveals what is hidden, we may discover new possibilities that we hadn’t considered before.
Just prior to the Full Moon, on August 11th, Jupiter and Uranus both become stationary. Jupiter is stationary direct at 14º 30’ Sagittarius and is beginning to move out of its retrograde phase. Uranus is stationary retrograde at 6º 36’ Taurus and starting its retrograde motion. Whenever planets are stationary, their energy is felt more strongly and their symbolism is intensified.
Uranus loves change and rebels against the status quo. Over the next few weeks, we may see suppressed people standing up for themselves and, as individuals, we may make some impulsive and unexpected choices. Something surprising may occur. Where this energy falls in your chart, is where the highest potential for personal change lies.
Jupiter is the planet of expansiveness and everything it touches, it makes bigger. An extremely important component of this Full Moon energy is Jupiter’s location at 14º Sagittarius which brings it conjunct the Great Attractor. It will be there all month.
The Great Attractor (GA) lies at 14º 02’ Sagittarius and is the center of four major superclusters in space, of which our Milky Way galaxy is one tiny part. It’s a massive galactic anomaly with immense magnetism and is drawing in galaxies, including our own, at the rate of 24 million miles a day. It’s as if we are being vacuumed up by this strange gravitational force. This anomaly remains a mystery to scientists who are attempting to study it, but what is known is that it is the most intense source of electromagnetic radiation in the known Universe. If you are an intuitive/sensitive person and are feeling a bit ‘wonky’ right now, this may be the reason.
The enormous gravity of the GA actually bends light around it, allowing us to see what’s happening before it occurs. For people with natal planets or angles within 12º to 16º Sagittarius you may find that you are particularly stimulated during this month. The experience of precognition or intensely vivid dreams may occur. Pay attention to strong visions that you can’t shake. These are downloads and the Universe is trying to guide you. Because of the intensity of this energy, you may also find a strong need to isolate yourself during this time.
Transits at the degree of the Great Attractor can bring opportunities to us. Because Jupiter is involved, these opportunities may be huge – vast – taking us way out of our comfort zone. If you are experiencing this, it’s important to look at each thing that comes to you with an open mind. Don’t dismiss anything out of hand, truly look at what you’re being offered. You may ultimately toss it out, but at least take the time to consider that this may be the Universe knocking on your door.
We are in an extremely strong manifesting time right now as the Saturn/Pluto conjunction draws closer, so it’s important for us all to concentrate on what we want our lives to be like. It’s interesting to ponder the concept of the ‘Law of Attraction’ in connection to what is happening in the heavens. This may be the strongest opportunity we will have to create our own reality. Let’s do it in a positive way and let go of the old structures and ways of thinking.
— Beth Lauderdale, Evolutionary Astrology