Harvest Moon – Full Moon in Pisces – September 13, 2019; 9:33pm PDT

The Pisces energy of this Full Moon is strongly emphasized by Neptune’s close proximity to the Moon. This is a time when the veil between the ‘real’ world and Spirit is very thin. It can be a very creative time and full of intuitive downloads coming to us through energetic impressions and dreams. During the next few days, get out of the busy routine of your life. Spend time meditating, listening to music, communing with nature, soaking in a tub, or dancing on the beach. If we can make ourselves available to the guidance that is there for us in the Spirit Realms we can benefit from this expanded awareness.

Every Full Moon is the culmination of the Moon’s cycle, so they all bring a completion or ending into our lives. Because of this, the Full Moon can be an emotional time. When the Full Moon is in a strong water sign like Pisces, we can expect the emotional nature of this moon phase to be enhanced. Be kind to yourself … and others! We are all psychically, physically, and emotionally more sensitive during times like these. If you feel overwhelmed, take some downtime. Pay attention to what you put into your body. This Full Moon activates the Virgo-Pisces axis, the main physical function of which is to process what is taken into the body. Virgo rules digestion and Pisces rules the lymphatic system. The health of these systems is critical to protecting our bodies from disease. Stay aware of your body’s response to what you ingest. Eat cleanly, reduce toxins in your diet and environment – and that includes toxic people. Avoid substances that weaken the body like drugs, alcohol, and sugar.

At the time of the Full Moon there are seven planets in Earth signs and seven planets in Mutable signs. In Astrology, mutable signs are associated with adaptability. They prepare us for the change of seasons and encourage us to be flexible in our thoughts and lives. The mutability of the Full Moon enhances the Piscean creative energy. Earth signs assist us in manifestation, helping us bring what we create into the 3rd dimension so that it can be used in a practical way. All the innovation in the world won’t help us if we can’t put it to use. Consciously use this energy to create positive experiences in your life. Pay attention to your mind-set and what you are focusing on. Is it positive?

In past newsletters I have written about the Saturn/Pluto conjunction that is building and will be exact on January 12, 2020. Beginning September 18th, this energy strengthens in earnest as Saturn, which is currently retrograde, stations direct and begins moving toward Pluto. This signals the onset of this conjunction and it’s important that we pay attention to what is developing in our lives and in the world at this time. In future newsletters I will be describing in detail what this conjunction can bring to us, but for now just understand that it’s important to stay aware and – this is the hard part – also emotionally detached from the intense energy swirling around us. In spite of the uncertain political, social, and economic climates it’s critical that we stay positive and know that, like all astrological transits, this too will pass. Right now, we have a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity to sculpt the life we’ve always wanted. Start to envision that now. Work out the details and write them down. If we allow ourselves to be open to the possibility of positive change, we can bring it into our lives.
— Beth Lauderdale, Evolutionary Astrology

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