New Moon in Sagittarius – November 26, 2019; 7:06 am PST

The Sagittarius New Moon is ruled by Jupiter and will be highly influenced by the planet, Venus. Whenever these two beneficial planets come together, they bring a lovely energy of beauty, creativity, and richness. This is a wonderful, expansive feeling and, after some of the difficulties we’ve experienced in 2019, is quite welcomed.

This New Moon at 4º Sagittarius is a very vitalizing, energizing time that will bring thoughts of adventure and an aura of hope. Sagittarius is always about forward motion, looking to the future, and emphasizes that bit of wild-horse energy that’s in all of us. This is our chance to open the paddock gate; to let our spirit run free, and to dream big. We can break out of the structures that keep us restricted and embrace freedom – roam, travel, try something new. This energy reminds me of the song Juanita by Shania Twain.

She is the restless river running through my veins
She rides without the reins, her name’s Juanita
Go with her, flow with her
Dream with her, scream with her
Let her take over, or just get to know her
Be everything you can be
If you can find her and free her
Juanita will unchain your heart

The Sagittarius New Moon is also a great time for meditation, connecting with spirit, and opening our minds. It epitomizes wisdom and divine knowledge. This is a time when we can reset our vision to grab the reins of our lives and move boldly forward into 2020. The energy of the New Moon always influences the two weeks following, so this is an excellent time for beginning a new project or making a new start. Expect to see exciting developments, and perhaps something new in your life, and globally. This will be the last time the moon will connect with Jupiter before December 2nd when Jupiter moves into the sign of Capricorn and joins the growing stellium that will occur in January 2020.

Jupiter and Venus engage in close partnership beginning on November 22nd. The conjunction is exact on November 23rd and 24th, so besides the New Moon on November 26th, these are wonderful days to embrace the concept of prosperity in all forms and for us to allow that energy into our lives.

As Venus and then Jupiter move into the sign of Capricorn in early December, we will begin to feel a subtle energy shift. While Sagittarius is all about expansion and looking at the ‘Big Picture’, Capricorn is more grounded and practical. It’s a bit sobering after the WooHoo party of Jupiter and Venus in Sagittarius but is needed in order for us to develop a plan with substance that will make all that we dreamed of manifest. Sagittarius says ‘If you can dream it, you can have it’ and Capricorn says ‘You want it, make a plan and follow the steps to give the dream substance.’ We have four productive weeks left in 2019 – what are you going to achieve in that time?

For all of us, the Capricorn part of our charts has been heavily activated during these last months. Jupiter and Venus moving into this area may ease that intensity so that we can get our heads above water and take a deep breath. These planets will bring softness and sweetness into a part of our lives that may have been trying.

Thursday, Thanksgiving, we have a nice aspect with Mercury and Neptune. This is a perfect time to rest, relax, recharge, and recover. Perfect energy for a holiday, but may be challenging if you’re the one making dinner for a herd of hungry folks. Try to stay fluid and flexible. If someone suggests a change in tradition or the menu – go with the flow. Pay attention to what inspires you, use your imagination, and don’t worry if you tend to daydream or lose your train of thought. This energy is not hugely productive, but it gives us a chance to strongly connect with Spirit and receive our downloads. In general, Thursday should have good energy. It may be a bit quieter and introspective than usual, but spending time with friends and family is a good way to use this energy.

Besides interacting with Jupiter, Venus will also be in an easy aspect with Uranus. This energy can bring a sparkling effervescence to social gatherings and you may find your own relationship stimulated. This is a good time to put a new spin on things. Freshen up your relationship – experiment with new desires – get outside the box of normal routine. Mix it up! Venus is the ruler of Uranus in Taurus and so emphasizes this combination. Do something spontaneous, get out of the rut, be instinctive rather than consistent. Change adds freedom. If you pay attention, you can get clues about how you are personally ready to create new freedom in your life and also where you’re ready to add new authenticity to your life and relationships.

Later in the month we have an aspect between Mercury and Saturn that helps us finalize plans and details. Saturn stabilizes Mercury and helps Mercury be realistic with expectations and time lines. It brings clarity. If you’ve been waiting to sign a contract or agreement, wait no longer. This is good energy for cementing plans and relationships that will have a long-term life. This energy is also good for planning and figuring out the logistics of long-term projects. If you have a lot coming up in December and on into 2020, take some time at the end of November to create a plan so you won’t be overwhelmed.

One final note – Jupiter is the planet of EXPANSION! Be aware that Jupiter and Venus together can be especially encouraging of over-indulging. As you face a table full of luscious foods, think about the after affects … then go for it!
That’s what I’ll be doing. Happy Thanksgiving!
— Beth Lauderdale, Evolutionary Astrology

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