Aquarius New Moon – January 24, 2020; 1:41pm PST

On January 12, 2020 we experienced the coming together of two powerhouse planets, Saturn and Pluto. There have been reverberations around the world but, for the most part, it’s holding together. Even though the exactness of this event is behind us, the energy will affect us for the next few months. Saturn and Pluto break down structures; personally, governmentally, and societally, but what we see as ‘the real world’ is also shifting and that brings with it the opportunity to create our reality exactly the way we want it. There’s magic in the air. Can you feel it?

The structures of our bodies are affected by this energy, too, so it’s especially important that we take care of ourselves right now. Saturn rules the bones, teeth, skin, and other systems that pertain to our bodily structures. These areas need special attention. Be kind to yourself. If you need to rest, do it. If you are compelled to run a marathon, do it. If you’re feeling a bit wonky from all this intensity, be sure to stay fully grounded, focus on the positive, and work on laying down intentions for this new phase of life.
On January 23rd, Venus sextiles Jupiter and this is a very positive combination! If you ever buy lottery tickets, this is a good day to do it – in a reasonable manner. Focus on prosperity and creativity today. If expanding your money supply is one of your intentions for the year, do something that shows the Universe you are serious about it.
Friday, January 24th at 1:41pm PST, we have the New Moon at 4 degrees of Aquarius. This lightens everything up and will give us a feel for what the energy will be like toward the end of 2020 when Jupiter and Saturn move into this sign. Because of the large number of planets still in Capricorn, we will still have a strong focus on the past, but because Aquarius represents the future, we can get a hint of the potential that lies ahead.
This will be an excellent New Moon for making or fine-tuning intentions for 2020 because we will be out of the eclipse season and into forward-looking, innovative energy. It’s much less stodgy and restrictive. We can glimpse the possibilities brought to us by the Saturn/Pluto conjunction and we also begin to experience longer days, so along with the feeling of more ‘light-ness’, there is the actuality of it.
Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, squares the New Moon and this can bring sudden changes and surprises, the potential for something coming out of the blue. Stay flexible and pay attention to where and how the Universe is directing you. During this time, we also have Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces. This is wonderful for accessing our creativity and being able to truly appreciate the beauty in life. If you are working on a creative project, expect to lose yourself in Divine inspiration. Be sure to take some downtime to walk in nature or perform a ritual to let Gaia know how much she is loved and appreciated.
One word of caution – On January 27th and 28th we have ‘Neptune Days’ and they are a bit problematic. During this time, Mars squares Neptune and that can bring on feelings of confusion and uncertainty – of aiming at something but missing. Imagine a flashing yellow light and go slowly and carefully so that you have time to adjust or change direction if you realize you have gone off on a tangent. It’s not a horribly difficult aspect, just be cautious with decisions or commitments during this time.
By the end of the month we should be presented with new ideas and solutions around life issues, both personally and globally. After all of the planning and restructuring we’ve experienced over the last few months, this is the time to shed the old paradigms and turn our attention to the future.
— Beth Lauderdale ~ Evolutionary Astrology

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