Leo Full Moon – February 8, 2020; 11:33pm PST

This month brings us a quieter tone. There are fewer astrological events happening which will give us time to assimilate some of the extremely intense astrology from the last few months.
However, there are a number of planets moving from one sign to another this month, and special attention needs to be given to Mercury moving into the sign of Pisces. This happened on February 3rd and it will be there for two months, a bit longer than usual because if its retrograde cycle. Mercury in Pisces helps us tap into Divine Knowledge and strengthens our intuition, but it also muddies the waters when we’re faced with decisions. It’s not the clearest, most logical influence. This energy has an overlay of looking for meaning through our words and actions. There’s a trusting quality, forgiveness, and a strengthening of integrity in all communication and daily interaction. It’s very hopeful and ideally suited to anything creative, especially if you are attempting to express your emotions in your art. Mercury in Pisces asks us to express from the heart, not focus on fact-based logical expression. It’s not very organized or detail oriented and if you need to make a major decision between February 4th and March 10th, have someone look at the circumstances from the outside. It is likely that they will see the situation more clearly than you do. This is a great time for meditation, listening to music, or doing a technology detox. Take a mental break and let your mind roam.

On Wednesday, February 5th, Mercury interacts with the highly innovative planet, Uranus. Pay attention to ‘downloads’ on this day. The next great idea may be delivered to you directly from the Cosmos. It’s great for mental breakthroughs, for shifting stuck thought patterns, and shaking up our thinking. The first place we experience change is in our mind and if we can get our mind to wrap around a new concept it’s easier to implement it in our life. There’s the potential for new ideas and insights, personally and globally. We have the chance to speak our quirky and unconventional truth and say the things that are right for us even if they are unexpected or non-traditional. Don’t be surprised if you shock or surprise others or are on the receiving end of that. It’s a time of finding new ways of expressing our thoughts and feelings. Embrace it!
On February 8th at 11:33 pm we have the Full Moon at 20 degrees Leo. This is very vibrant energy and asks us to add color and flair to our lives. Wear gold, purple, and burnt orange this day. Make a statement! Leo is an uplifting fire sign and has the potential to boost and lighten things, including our mood. This Full Moon is not in aspect to any of the ongoing Capricorn placements and that also helps to lighten the energy.
Leo is leadership energy and likes to stand in the spotlight, but also desires to bring others along and lift them into the light. Leo and its ruler, the Sun, represent the spark of divine life that exists in all of us. This Full Moon is the perfect time to celebrate that spark, to embrace our accomplishments, and understand that we each have a special gift to give to the world. This time is about shining brightly and tapping into inspiration. If you are given an opportunity to step into the spotlight, take it!
This energy is also about leaders and figureheads and the Full Moon puts them in the spotlight too. We can expect to see some developments related to our world ‘leaders’ as a result. This Full Moon will also heighten our emotions so there is the potential to be caught up in some drama that asks you to express yourself more directly or with more volume. Don’t hold onto emotions that arise with this Full Moon. Let them burst forth into the world.
With all of the Capricorn energy these last few months you may have been nose to the grindstone or bogged down by life circumstances. This Moon energy is asking you to lighten up and have a bit of fun. Treat yourself to something special or take some quality time for yourself or with a loved one or partner.
A few days after the Full Moon, on Thursday February 13th, Venus in Aries makes a challenging aspect to the North and South Node. This brings an energy of choices. It’s about deciding whether to hold onto something from the past or sever the connection and move into the future. This is a turning point where we will all choose between staying within our comfort zone or moving toward something that we desire to accomplish. Venus is strongly involved with relationships so this ‘decision’ energy can relate to interactions with those we are close to, but it can also be related to our values or our career. With this energy, we may also be required to negotiate or compromise with another.
On February 16th, Mercury begins its retrograde period so the 2nd half of the month has a bit of a crossed-wires, missed communication potential. The two or three days prior to the start of the retrograde cycle and the few days as it completes are the most confusing and disruptive to communication and technology. This means that the most challenging dates in February are the 13th to the 17th. Once we get to February 18th, things smooth out and we can use the energy in a productive way, especially for going back over work that has been previously done. During the weekend of the 14th, 15th, and 16th there may be some disruption to plans. Stay flexible. If, during this time you are finalizing a deal or need to make a decision, be sure to check and recheck all details. Perhaps have someone outside of the deal review the facts and figures. If something seems a bit off, tune into your intuition which is strong when Mercury is in Pisces. Trust what your gut tells you. Don’t force the choices. Let things happen organically.
Mars also changes signs this month and moves into Capricorn on February 16th. It will be in that sign until March 30th. This adds some assertion and heat to the already intense group of Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node. You can expect that this will stir up this area of your chart. Pay attention to the feelings of urgency or intensity that are likely to pick up with this combination. This can activate plans that have been a long time in the making and/or initiate new plans that haven’t even been considered before. Mars and Saturn in the same sign asks us to really put forth effort to bring our ideas and desires to fruition. Jupiter combined with this brings opportunities that advance what we set in motion with our manifesting in January. Pay attention to what is presented to you, even if it’s crazy and way outside your box. It may be exactly what you need to push forward.
The Sun moves into Pisces on February 18th. This ends Aquarius season and puts us into the sensitive and intuitive energy of Pisces. That adds a more fluid and flexible tone to the next four weeks. It heightens our intuition and makes us more sensitive emotionally. It also makes our physical body more sensitive to toxins, so take some breaks, rest if you need to. This is a wonderful time for meditation, getting out into nature and doing energy work.
— Beth Lauderdale ~ Evolutionary Astrology

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