Virgo Full Moon – March 9, 2020; 10:47am PDT

Be prepared for a very dynamic month. We have several aspects and major planetary shifts occurring as several planets change signs.

We start off on March 4th with an extremely busy day astrologically. Two planets, Mercury and Venus, change signs and then make an aspect to each other. Mercury moves back into Aquarius which shifts our mental energy. Situations around communication, deal-making, planning, and logistics will change. Though this energy will bring more clarity, Mercury in Aquarius is still retrograde. If you have planning to do or deals that need to be finalized wait until later in the day on March 4th or March 5th/6th to do it. Better yet, wait until Mercury stations direct on March 9th. Things will be much clearer then and you will be better able to express yourself.
Also, on March 4th, Venus moves into Taurus. She is in her rulership position here. This brings glorious energy that helps us for the rest of the month. It’s very stabilizing and after the Pisces New Moon and Mercury’s transit through Pisces it will support us in reconnecting with our bodies. There may be a stronger focus on food around this time because cooking and eating are ways we ground more firmly into our body. It’s fantastic energy that activates strong self-worth and self-love. It will encourage us all to get outside and take time to smell the roses. It’s perfect energy for having fun and relaxing. Let’s all spoil ourselves a bit.
Next up on the list of aspects this month is the Sun conjunct Neptune. This annual event occurs March 7th and 8th and is highly intuitive, creative, and very soulful. We may feel a bit tired or run down and that’s contradictory energy to what Venus and Uranus are bringing us on March 8th but this can manifest as lazy time combined with some highly active and productive time. Honor the Sun/Neptune interaction with spiritual activities like meditation, or energy work. This is a prime time for journaling or automatic writing and you may be surprised by what comes out of your psyche. If you have a decision to make, use your gut as well as your intellect and give yourself time to decide. The clear answer comes forth through stillness and taking the pressure off yourself.
Sunday, March 8th Venus conjuncts Uranus at four degrees Taurus. This is an exciting combination that brings creativity, beauty, harmony, and sometimes quirky fun. If there has been some tension in your relationships, this will help to alleviate that. It’s very playful, affectionate, and expressive and encourages us to act on what inspires us. Expect the unexpected in downloads, messages, insights, and encounters. It can bring that innovative idea you’ve been reaching for or facilitate plans coming together. It’s important to pay attention to what emerges for you on this day because it can provide guidance and/or clues about the longer trend of Uranus in Taurus and what that will mean for you personally. Uranus is in this sign until 2025 and is a very substantial influence on us and the Earth.
For the weekend this combination means spontaneity, out of the blue interactions, sweet affection, romance, tenderness, friendship, and perhaps a welcome surprise. Don’t worry if plans change at the last minute or someone shows up unexpectedly. Go with it because the change could be quite wonderful. This energy helps us be in the moment which is extremely grounding. This is a time to spend quality time with those you love.
On March 9th, Mercury stations direct in Aquarius and begins forward movement. Yay! It’s not fully out of the shadow until March 16th when it moves back into the sign of Pisces, but things should begin to clear up and become less disjointed. We will all be able to be more logical and rational as we move forward in the month.
Also on March 9th at 10:47 am PDT we have the Full Moon at 19 degrees Virgo. This is the first of three Full SuperMoons, a time when the Moon is closer to the Earth and creates a stronger influence on our emotions as well as the tides and tectonic plates. This Full Moon energy brings insight and clarity around health and, particularly, what needs to be done to improve our health and to stay strong. We can discover the link between the foods we eat and our wellness. Virgo believes that ‘Food is Medicine’ and also helps us understand better how our mindset effects what we eat and how it impacts our body. This Full Moon time is excellent for detoxing or revamping your wellness program as it relates to exercise and diet. It’s also very supportive for purifying your mind and getting rid of any negative loops or thought patterns of ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘I’m not worthy’. Take time to feed your brain with a good book or enlightening conversation. Emotions are always heightened at the Full Moon but in Virgo we will try to analyze them in order to better understand our unconscious responses.
This Full Moon in Virgo also highlights organization so we may all be very motivated to clean out closets, desks, and garages. It’s great energy for streamlining and purging the stuff we no longer need. This energy can also bring clarity to situations where we can’t quite figure something or someone out. It may be a few days before we get the realization or can act on the aha moment that we experienced, but it will happen. Efficiency and time effectiveness will be forefront and reviewing plans and/or documents may be something that needs to be done. Taking the time to do this will set you up for success over the next four weeks.
During the Full Moon, the Sun is closely aligned with Neptune. This brings highly intuitive energy and the chance to connect to Source. This can be very inspiring and creative and can also help us ‘see’ more clearly what needs to be changed or purged in our lives. Pay attention to dreams and downloads during this time. Listen to music and dance!
On March 11th, we have the Sun in a very positive aspect to Jupiter. This brings the qualities of abundance, hope, good luck, generosity, and kindness. There could be a very positive event or news that occurs on this day. This energy can be very beneficial financially or bring a learning, teaching, or travel opportunity. Jupiter is about wisdom as well as wealth and prosperity. So, we may learn something uplifting this week or find ourselves in the role of mentor or teacher sharing our wisdom with others. This is a great time for personal growth. You may get an invitation to share your talents or move outside your comfort zone in some way. With this energy there is also the realization or acceptance of personal good fortune and the inclination to share or pay it forward in such a way that provides a learning opportunity for someone else.
Chiron in Aries is in a challenging aspect to the Capricorn/Cancer Nodal axis on March 13th. Chiron in Aries is strongly about suppressed feelings surrounding worthiness and whether our existence is worthwhile. In someone’s personal chart this can manifest as difficulty going after what they desire because of blocks that occur from external sources. It can bring a sense of hopelessness and ‘Why should I try when I know I can’t accomplish it?’ If you are ‘triggered’ during the time of this Chiron interaction and experience frustration with something you’re trying to accomplish, try not to wallow in the disappointment or become angry at the obstacles placed in your way. Instead, use this time as an opportunity to access any suppressed wounds with the intent to transmute them. What you learn through the process of this transmutation becomes your strength and is what you can use the most to help others.
By March 16th, Mercury is out of its retrograde shadow and returns to Pisces for the next couple of weeks. This will help us untangle any communication situations that occurred during the retrograde period. This will also activate our imaginations and bring a creative and inspirational energy. Be ready for more daydreaming, art, dreams, and downloads. It’s also time to talk about feelings and emotions. This energy is very soulful, sensitive, and emotional. It’s not the best time for decision-making but if you are faced with a choice, take your time and use your intuition.
When planets are on the move like they are this month, our priorities shift. The energy activates new areas of our lives and projects that have been in progress for a while are either completed or tossed out. It’s important to stay flexible at these times and over the next month or so we will all be settling into a new vibe. Abraham Hicks says that it’s easier to paddle your canoe downstream than to constantly struggle against the flow. This is a good month to keep that in mind.
— Beth Lauderdale ~ Evolutionary Astrology

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