Pisces Full Moon – September 1, 2020; 10:21 pm PDT
Along with the highly spiritual Full Moon this month, Mercury and the Sun will make positive interactions with Uranus in Taurus and Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn. This can produce energy that is very productive. Pieces will fall into place or things will come together. So even though there are some difficult configurations with Mars going retrograde and squaring Saturn later in the month, there’s still an undertone of being productive and having the ability to move forward in a way that is really specific, effective, and productive.

The Full Moon occurs at 10:21 pm PDT on September 1st at 10 degrees of Pisces. At the time of every Full Moon, the Sun and Moon sit across the Zodiac from each other and fall in opposite signs. When the Moon is in Pisces, the Sun is in Virgo. These two signs represent very different modes of being. Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is centered in the logical, analytical mind. It seeks to understand reality through examination and identification of what is tangible. Pisces, ruled by Neptune, is the most spiritual sign that we have. It encourages us to merge with Source and expand our awareness through perception, intuition, and emotion.
With a Full Moon highlighting the Virgo/Pisces axis it’s important to be aware of circumstances in the ‘real world’, but more importantly, to understand that we live in a multidimensional universe, with many levels beyond our five senses. We are spiritual beings living a physical life and are all trying to navigate the ‘foreign-ness’ of that. A very wise man once reminded me that we are all souls playing a role that was established by us in the ‘Time Between Lives’. As we passed into the physical state, our consciousness forgot that plan. But our soul has not forgotten. That’s why we are sometimes pulled onto a particular path that doesn’t make logical sense, but we know it’s the right thing. It’s also why we can look out into the mundane world, see the reality of what is happening and know (on an intuitive level) that events are unfolding the way they are supposed to.
As a collective we also created a ‘Between Lives Plan’ and with the advent of 2020, we are moving into the transformation that we desired as a part of the design. We are getting the opportunity to see a portion of this plan emerge. It’s strange and wonderful at the same time. We sense the change that is upon us and, because we are human, also fear it – even if we don’t admit it. From a personal perspective we may be fearful of the truth, or of stepping into our own power. But from a collective perspective it’s the very human-based fear of death. Some of the fear we feel is our own, but most of it is centered in the collective consciousness.
As this Full Moon in Pisces helps us tap into our intuitive nature and remind us of our spirituality and close tie to Source, we can also use the insight by discerning healthy fear which requires an immediate response to avoid harm, and unhealthy fear, which impacts our decision making capability, weakens our immune system, and can literally make us sick.
Pisces is associated with compassion and unconditional love. It has the quality of the divine and using this time for meditation, chanting, journeying, listening to music, or just spending quiet time in nature will calm the nervous system and help us to move away from the collective and personal fear. In these altered states we are better able to tap into our creativity and allow divine inspiration to guide us. It can feel very magical and dream-like.
We started this year off with a Saturn/Pluto convergence. This combination is known as the Magician’s Aspect and heightens our ability to manifest what we desire. The energy of the convergence is still with us but as long as we stay in a fear-based mindset, we can only manifest yucky stuff. If we consciously shift our focus to prosperity in all its forms, we have the potential to end 2020 on a much more positive note than it began.
Use this Full Moon in Pisces at the highest level of being. Like The Magician in the tarot, tap into infinite possibilities, dream bigger, and expand your awareness. It’s all about staying cognizant of the situation, but also emotionally divorcing yourself from the drama. Not an easy task, but if you can do it, it’s worth the reward.
Also on the 1st Mercury in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn. This is a very positive aspect about honesty and openness. It adds depth to communication. It’s an investigative, research oriented mental vibe. This can help us be more truthful and we may find that communication is easier than we thought it would be and better received. Mercury in Virgo is the ‘Master Analyst’ so we have the opportunity for mental brilliance that helps us come up with unique ways to solve a particularly sticky problem. You may feel that you’re able to dig deeper into a situation and that can help you understand your true motivations. It can also help clarify the motivations of others in your life. You find out what’s been brewing below the surface and are able to discuss these revelations in a meaningful and productive way.
September 2nd Mercury has a nice interaction with Saturn. This is a practical and incredibly positive and productive aspect. It’s beneficial for signing documents, making agreements, finalizing a contract, or for making a promise. This energy gives any commitment staying power. It’s wonderful for formulating plans that are supportive and benefit all parties.
We have a significant shift of energy on September 9th. This is when Mars, in its own sign of Aries, begins its retrograde phase. This movement brings it closer to the Earth and makes its symbolism felt more strongly. It’s also very hot energy and will likely bring us warmer and drier temperatures. Already we are seeing a result of this with the tragic and widespread fires in California.
Mars goes retrograde every two years, so this energy is not particularly rare. However, because the retrograde occurs in Aries and will make some challenging aspects to Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto it may be more challenging. The last time Mars was retrograde in its own sign was in 1988 and it won’t happen again until 2067.
Mars energy is very outward moving. It’s assertive, sometimes aggressive and impulsive. Mars is the warrior and represents war, combativeness, and courage. We all have a bit of Mars/Aries energy in us and this helps us to go after what we desire, to develop goals and then initiate action to fulfill them. There are two sides to every astrological ‘coin’ and relating to Mars it’s the polarity between making impulsive decisions, having an argumentative attitude, and being confrontational vs making well thought out decisions, being willing to compromise, having a clear sense of self, and being sure of your convictions. If you can cultivate the positive side of the coin during the coming months rather than scattering your energy in anger the outcome will be much more positive.
Globally, this added influence of Mars has the potential to bring us social discord and conflict. It may encourage more people to take to the streets in protest of the status quo and in an attempt to change what they perceive to be an unjust situation. During the last few days of August, retrograde Pluto moved back to the same degree of the January 2020 Saturn/Pluto conjunction. This reactivated what began in January and the big themes of abuse of power. This degree will be triggered again on November 7th and Mars will interact with this energy throughout this time. We can expect to see issues around power and governmental control, the struggle of the ‘Powers That Be’ as the system begins to collapse and some secrets come to light. This will be a time of profound spiritual transformation. Staying grounded and flexible is key.
Retrograde times are best spent reviewing and revising, going back over something that you’ve already done in order to pick up what you’ve missed. Being open to slowing down, taking more time, and being patient with delays is the best way to work with this energy.
Where Aries falls in your chart is the area of life where you may want to consider pausing or delaying an action. You may choose to give up short-term satisfaction in favor of a long-term benefit or goal. Mars is normally about doing things, making decisions, powering forward, and making progress. When it goes retrograde, it’s appropriate to not take action, to make fewer decisions, and spend time thinking about your choices. Voluntarily slowing down or restricting action is a wonderful way to lean into this energy rather than frustrate yourself by trying to push the boulder up the hill. It’s always better to go with the flow of energy rather than against it. Prior to the 9th, Mars will be slowing down so we can expect some delays or postponements from September 1st on. Forewarned is forearmed so use this knowledge to help alleviate some frustration if you’re trying to accomplish something before the retrograde starts.
Also on September 9th, the Sun trines Jupiter. This is a great combination and is based in abundance and prosperity. There can be some good news or a welcome collaboration that is immediately beneficial or has the potential to be very positive in the long-term. This energy can also highlight a stagnant situation in your life where you feel like you’ve been treading water and help you see where things are leading or show you an opening that moves you closer to your goal. We get clarity and insight into where we are going. Pay attention and go in the direction the Universe nudges you.
— Beth Lauderdale ~ Evolutionary Astrology