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Each day my goal is to:
Live in spirit
Be harmless
Participate in activities that raise my vibration
Add my good energy to the collective unconscious
And, promote healing for myself, for others and for planet Earth
I hope you will join me on
our shared journey through this
physical existence.
Love and light! – Beth
This may be a strange way to begin my introduction, but I have to tell you about bashing my head into the glass of a floor to ceiling window.
When you stop laughing you might ask, “How could that happen?”
The simple answer is that the glass was brand new, very clean and I just didn’t see it.

Well, yes, I did know it was there, but rather than admiring the beautiful interior of the building I was in, I rushed forward focusing on, of all things, the parking lot that lay beyond the glass. My brain didn’t have a chance to register the barrier and the next moment, I was bleeding.
“Nope.” You shake your head. “Nobody is that dense. How did it “really” happen?”
Well fortunately, the true answer came to me from a very wise source; my little sister.
When I told her the story of how I came to have a black eye and a cut over my eyebrow that required stitches, she was appropriately sympathetic. Then she laughed and said, “Gee, doesn’t it make you wonder what else is right in front of your face that you’re not seeing?”
Pow! I felt like I’d run into the glass again. She had nailed it exactly.
I have spent a great deal of my life living for the future. Planning for next week; next year; the next ten years; wondering how I will feel or what I will do when this, that, or the other thing happens. Now I understand that my black eye and sore head was the Universe’s not so subtle way of making me tune into “right now” before I miss out.
“Right now” we have the opportunity to live through one of the most evolving and engaging eras in recent history. We are faced with turmoil in Europe, strife in the USA, technology at our fingertips, strange reality TV shows and pants hanging below our butt cheeks. YIKES! It’s almost too much.
But, I believe that our souls chose this time to be here on Mother Earth. Most of us have no way to know what is going to happen in our daily lives; we are in unchartered territory like the early explorers. If you look ahead, you can spot the sea monsters lurking at the horizon. Or maybe not…could it be rainbows and butterflies instead? I don’t know and I don’t think we’re meant to know. It’s like the Osho Zen tarot card “Moment to Moment.” We have to close our eyes and step out there knowing that the Universe will provide for us in unexpected and loving ways.
For me being in the “now” means sharing my astrology and tarot skills and creating this website. Because I believe that as I help myself through these uncertain times using Astrology, Tarot and anything else that the Universe delivers to me, I can help others navigate through as well.
So…strange as it may seem, this site is a direct result of me bashing my head. Was it an accident? No! I believe it was the Universe intervening with a push toward what I am destined to do.
And, whether you stumbled upon this website or sought me out for a particular reason, I believe that the fact that you are here is also not an accident. And, even though you may be learning something about me from this site, more importantly I hope you take the time to discover something about yourself. Whether that knowledge comes from astrology, tarot or some other means, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that you are here and I hope we get to know each other.
I’m Beth Lauderdale, astrologer, tarot reader, author. My fascination with all things “woo-woo” goes back to my childhood and many years ago I began an exploration of this fascinating world. But my focus was scattered. Metaphysics covers a myriad of topics and they all intrigued me. Then I discovered the University of Metaphysical Sciences. Through my work with them I discovered astrology and my soul insisted I learn this complicated and expansive language. I received both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree with UMS, went on to complete the American Federation of Astrologers SuperStar course, and became certified in Evolutionary Astrology (astrology of the soul’s path). It has been one of the most satisfying experiences of my life and I am eternally grateful that Spirit showed me this path.
With this site, I offer my skills and intuitive knowledge to help others find their most meaningful path in life.
I have had Beth comprise my annual astrology report for several years. She is a joy to work with, consistently delivering very thorough, straightforward readings that bring clarity to this complicated topic and always quick to answer any questions that arise. I consider Beth to be an authority on this subject and have referred my friends and family to her. In addition to providing astrology readings, Beth has hosted several “Astrology Nights” at my business that are well attended with rave reviews. I look forward to many more years of receiving valuable insight from Beth! A.W.
I received an evolutionary chart reading from Beth and I was blown away! It was so accurate and put all the pieces of my soul’s journey from past lives and this one together. The synchronicity was perfect as well. It was an amazing gift bringing into light all the experiences, awareness, regressions, messages, everything I have done and been through my whole life into a very deep understanding and complete whole. It was very empowering, strengthening me within myself and who I am. It has opened up so much for me encouraging me to follow my path. I feel reawakened. G.G.
My Evolutionary Astrology Birth Chart Reading with Beth was a profoundly illuminating experience, providing me with a deeper understanding of the cosmic and planetary forces that influence the path of my soul’s unfolding. The depth and breadth of her analysis, lending remarkable insights into the nuanced dimensions of my own nature (some of these insights more uncomfortable than others) was remarkable, and the warmth and candor with which Beth shared her knowledge and insights left me feeling supported, empowered, and loved. This experience has helped me to open my horizons to new experiences, shed karmic attachments from my past that do not serve my highest good, and to do so with a new and abiding awareness of my own true nature, helping me to cultivate a life aligned with my highest purpose. I am truly grateful for this experience and I know that I will continue to turn to Beth for wisdom and guidance as I continue on my journey of spiritual evolution!” HkC