New Moon in Aries

New Moon in Aries – March 24 2020; 2:28am PDT For years my sister encouraged me to write a newsletter. I was always resistant to the idea because, well, it’s a lot of effort and what did I have to say anyway. But as I watched the astrological energy building in 2018...

Virgo Full Moon

Virgo Full Moon – March 9, 2020; 10:47am PDT Be prepared for a very dynamic month. We have several aspects and major planetary shifts occurring as several planets change signs. We start off on March 4th with an extremely busy day astrologically. Two planets, Mercury...

Leo Full Moon

Leo Full Moon – February 8, 2020; 11:33pm PST This month brings us a quieter tone. There are fewer astrological events happening which will give us time to assimilate some of the extremely intense astrology from the last few months. However, there are a number of...

Aquarius New Moon

Aquarius New Moon – January 24, 2020; 1:41pm PST On January 12, 2020 we experienced the coming together of two powerhouse planets, Saturn and Pluto. There have been reverberations around the world but, for the most part, it’s holding together. Even though the...

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer – January 10, 2020 at 11:21am PST Welcome to 2020! We have turned a corner and entered a new era. My friend and colleague, Reena Kumarasingham, is calling this the Year of Perfect Vision and I think she is right about that. With all...