Aquarius Full Moon

Aquarius Full Moon – August 3, 2020; 8:58 am PDT The arrival of August brings us an astrologically busy month and moves us into the strongest energy for the year. We currently have four planets retrograde; Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, and Uranus will station...

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Cancer New Moon

Cancer New Moon – July 20, 2020; 10:32 am PDT The New Moon on July 20th is at 10:32 am PDT and falls at 28 degrees of Cancer. This is our first lunation in four weeks that is not an eclipse so we now have the potential for things to stabilize. This is the second New...

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Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – July 4, 2020; 9:44 pm PDT As we start into July, we are still under the influence of the Jupiter/Pluto combination that occurred on June 30th. This is the second in a series of three times that these two planets will come together....

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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer – June 20, 2020; 11:41 pm PDT From June 2012 to March 2015, the planets Pluto and Uranus came together in a challenging aspect seven times. Pluto is about transformation and Uranus brings radical change and this type of aspect usually...

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Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Sagittarius

Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Sagittarius – June 5, 2020; 12:12 pm PDT June brings us into Eclipse season. As is fitting for the intense energy that will be with in 2020, we have six Eclipses rather than the usual four. Eclipses are a disruption in the normal flow of...

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Gemini New Moon

Gemini New Moon – May 22, 2020; 10:38 am PDT On May 12, 2020, Mars moved into the sign of Pisces and will be there for about six weeks. Mars moving from an air sign to a water sign brings a significant energy shift. It’s a change from action surrounding ideas and...

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Full SuperMoon in Scorpio

Full SuperMoon in Scorpio – May 7, 2020; 3:45 am PDT May 2020 is a significant month with a lot of energetic shifts. Several important planets turn retrograde and the Nodal Axis shifts from Cancer/Capricorn into Gemini/Sagittarius. We’re already dealing with change to...

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New Moon in Taurus

New Moon in Taurus; April 22, 2020; 7:26 pm PDT Welcome to Taurus season! The Sun moves into this Earthly sign on April 19th. In the ‘olden days’ of my youth there was an advertisement for a shampoo (I think Herbal Essence) that had the tag line, ‘Welcome to the...

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Full SuperMoon in Libra

Full SuperMoon in Libra – April 7, 2020; 7:34 pm PDT Astrology is the study of planets and their cycles. We know that each planet has a particular orbit length and that every time it comes around (appearing to circle us from our perspective on Earth) or interacts with...

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